Inverted Orthodoxy- 376 AER, The universe, is Heaven just singing?!

Mar 5, 2025

In this weeks episode 376, Pastors Doug and Kyle discuss the following questions:

(2:34 into episode)


Aer? Or just a separate question?

Last week you talked about the power of God being demonstrated and presence of the Holy Spirit, it made me wonder how does testimony support this?

(6:20 into episode)

1. I normally put questions in the box on the website, but this one is seemed longer and more convoluted following a conversation I had with my son… feel free to not add it to the podcast if it is not relevant. I’m happy to add more detail if needed. 

We watched this video about the universe

Question 1

The question is, do you think the universe is infinite or finite? And is heaven inside the universe or outside of the universe? 

Question 2

When it says that the increase of his government and peace will know no end (Isaiah 9:7) Does that support the idea that the universe is expanding along with red shift data? 

After a long discussion which was mostly my son telling me I couldn’t think what I said because it was a paradox… we came up with some ideas… and then decided to throw it to you guys! 

(45:00 into episode)

2. I hope this doesn’t sound disrespectful to God but do you think heaven will just be us singing love songs to Jesus forever like an endless worship service? Because if I use even a small bit of my imagination, I have to believe it’s way more exciting than that!? What do you guys think heaven will be like? Do you think Jesus and god will have physical bodies in heaven? And if so, how do you think they will spend time with all of us intimately at the same time? Dreaming of heaven today.

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