Inverted Orthodoxy 378- How long is a full Hell, and how many communions in a full Jesus?
In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake answer the following questions:
(1:27 into episode)
1. After hearing previous conversations on what will happen when Jesus returns, specifically pertaining to revelation in this podcast. How would you all, and maybe specifically Doug, deal with parables found in Matthew 13:36-43 Matt 13:47-52, where it says the righteous and the wicked will be separated and the wicked will be thrown into the fiery pits?
Resources: Inspired Imperfection by Greg Boyd, Her Gates will Never be Shut by Brad Jersak, and The Widening of Gods' Mercy by Richard and Christopher Hayes
(43:52 into episode)
2.How many communions would it take to eat an entire Jesus?
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