Inverted Orthodoxy 377- AER, God the director, Christians fighting Fascism?! and maybe more
In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug answer and discuss the following questions:
2:12 into episode
AER My question is ,if someone opens up a subject or opinion of a sensitive nature and I am on completely opposite to that view & I know it could cause a quarrel, how do I respond?
Try & change the subject?
Give my view? At the same time be sensitive and try and understand the other persons view as well.
Or just respond by saying it's better if we don't discuss the subject because we are on such different opinions.
14:01 into episode
AER Based on last week’s first question. Does God inhabit all of these possible universes or just our own?
16:53 into episode
Proverbs 3 talks about the Lord directing our steps. How do we submit to that? How do I know I’m actually following his direction not just my own desires? In my experience it seems rather confusing most days.
29:24 into episode
As Christian’s, how should we respond to fascism when it comes to government. When we have world leaders on a political stage with billionaires throwing nazi salutes, how do we respond to this type of oligarchy? I don’t think Jesus would have wanted the richer and corrupt in power. What are your thoughts?
Rise and Fall of Mars Hill (episode one, but if you haven't already it is fantastic)
Discipleship in a world full of Nazis by Mark Theissen Nation
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