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Inverted Orthodoxy 379- AER, Swedish Jesus, and Anti Christian Bias

Mar 26, 2025

In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions:

(1:37 into episode)

AER: Communism did not fail when the Berlin Wall fell. That was socialism. Socialism aims to distribute wealth and property equally while communism creates equality by eliminating private wealth and property. Socialist countries have a disgusting number of oligarchs and billionaire politicians. I believe communism can only be achieved in heaven.

(4:59 into episode)

AERLast week at the end of your discussion about different ideas of hell, you said that there should be space in churches for people to wrestle with these ideas where the bible can be interpreted in different ways and for us to be able to think about these ideas in the context of who we know God to be. I just want to say yes! And thank you for creating a place where we can ask the difficult question, hear your thoughts and ideas and it can challenge our thinking and lead us into a clearer/deeper understanding of who god is and what he says.

(6:26 into episode)

Referring to the comment of “separating the sheep and the goats referring to nations, I just read the Alexis Navalny book, and it is evident that many Russians do not agree with their leader (Putin) to the point where many have sacrificed their freedom or even life. How will nations be separated in such a way?

(14:57 into episode)

Given that most movies about Jesus are only about his birth or his death, what story of Jesus would you most like to see made into a movie? And who would you cast?

(29:12 into episode)

I know here in Canada, this isn’t on the table just yet. But really curious if you could share your opinions on the “anti Christian bias” task forces and laws being pushed in the states. It feels hard to be a Christian in these times, especially when church and state should historically be kept separate.

Resources to check out from this weeks episode:

- BEMA Podcast

-The Chosen Movie

- The Passion Movie

-The Risen Movie

-Brushko Book

- Dominion Book by Tom Holland (not Spider man)

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