Q&A #243- Societal norms/ standards, speaking on the podcast, and more!

Apr 20, 2022    Kyle Toner, Doug Phaneuf, Blake Hardy

Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle return as a team to discuss the following:

*please note this episode briefly mentions sexual misconduct, please take care when listening*

1. My question...what does the Bible and subsequent literature based on scripture tell us about our roles as husband/wife, Dad/Mom, man/woman? Society has taught me somewhat poorly and my wife and I are rethinking as in some fundamental ways we can see society's teachings aren't working for couples or families

2. There’s a lot of questions about homosexuality and it’s probably because of Brock needing to step down a couple years ago. I know that we are all on our own journeys and beliefs change as we mature but it’s a bit hard hearing three straight men talk about homosexuality. Why not invite a gay person like Brock on the podcast to talk about the other side of the conversation?

3.u. I love this church, but I’ve been thinking about a lot since the news of Bruxy Cavey was released. You talk a lot about the importance of a diverse church and yet the leadership is made up of only white men. It doesn’t seem like there are any women in the decision making process and there’s some POC on staff. How do we reconcile that?

Resources this episode:
- The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Alison Barr
- Gospel according to Eve by Amanda w. Benckhysen
- When Everything's on Fire by Brian Zahnd
-Jesus and John Wayne by Kirstin Kobes Du Mez
-Jordan Peterson via YouTube
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