All That's Good
This week's "Check it Out" is a book called "All That's Good" by Hannah Anderson. When we look out over the world today, it seems a far cry from God's original declaration. Our daily lives are noisy and chaotic-filled with too much information and too little wisdom. No wonder we often find it easier to retreat into safe spaces, hunker down in likeminded tribes, and just do our best to survive life. But what if God wants you to do more than simply survive? What if he wants you to thrive in this world, and be part of its redemption? What if you could rediscover the beauty and goodness God established in the beginning? By learning the lost art of discernment, you can. Discernment is more than simply avoiding bad things; discernment actually frees you to navigate the world with confidence and joy by teaching you how to recognize and choose good things. It is a great read and we think you should check it out.