Inverted Orthodoxy #357- AER, Daniel confusion, Hardened Hearts, James is scary!

Oct 16, 2024

In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following:

2:18 into episode Listening to your AER from #356 when you are discussing prayer and worship. I often find myself praying and calling out to God during the worship at living springs. Sometimes I do that audibly, other times internally. Is that something that could be encouraged during worship to help people lean into prayer further. Often in my own devotion times I find that I start by singing, it helps me focus on God, and then begin to pray with more passion and volume when there is music in the background. In prayer meetings I find it too quiet to pray out loud, so maybe that is a bad habit I have formed.

15:22 into episode In Daniel 9:27, The Message translation indicates that “worship and prayers” will be abolished by the deceiver, yet in other translations say that the deliver will “put an end to sacrifice and offering”. These are very opposed, considering it was Jesus who put an end to sacrifice. Which is it, and why? Thank you

Throughout the New Testament there are references to people’s hearts becoming hardened, sometimes Jesus uses this phrase to describe those who don’t understand the meaning behind his parables. But at other times there are references about people whose hearts had become hardened, or it might say, “Don’t let you heart become hard” what does this mean? How can we keep our hearts soft(?) or open to Jesus?

38:37 into episode  I find the passage of james 1: 5-8 scary. what kind of wisdom is it talking about when it says you must believe when you pray? it tells me not to doubt when I pray, but the truth is, I have a lot of doubt when I pray.

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