Inverted Orthodoxy #353- Understanding Heaven, Satan an angel?, Missing communion thoughts

Sep 11, 2024

In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following:

AER (Accusations, Explanation, or Recantation)

2:14 into episode. follow up to the question you talked about with free will in heaven, where do you think the idea came from that we'd all just be sitting around on clouds and playing harps when we get there? I once heard you guys talking about how you think we'll have jobs and responsibilities in heaven and that concept was nothing I'd ever really heard before. To be fair, I'd never really given heaven much thought, prayer or study myself, but all that I'd ever heard or understood to that point was that we'd essentially just be sitting and singing praise to God for eternity and that seems to be a fairly common understanding of heaven amongst people I've talked to. Why do you think that is?

16:20 into episode July 10 - Where do we get the understanding that Satan was one of Gods angels? What scripture passages might point to that?

28:04 into episode Communion : 1 Cor. 11:27-34 doesn't come up. Why is that?

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