Q&A #245- Sexuality in adulthood, when ambition is lacking, and more!

May 4, 2022    Kyle Toner, Doug Phaneuf

Pastors Doug, and Kyle return as a team to discuss the following:

1. I wanted to ask about sexuality in adulthood. God created us for more than just procreation, he created us for intimacy, connection and pleasure. I know the Bible speaks multiple times about sexual sins (adultery etc.) But does God say anything about the joy in our sexuality? Everything about his creation is on purpose so I'm curious what he says about pleasure in sex? I know as a female purity culture has caused so much damage and shame towards our bodies it's almost impossible to lean in to this aspect that God has created us for

2.If we are lacking in ambition to doing things for the Lord, is that because our hope is not strong? I have found (and perhaps it is in this Covid season), that I don’t do as much and in fact feel like I did more for the kingdom when the world was normal and I was busier. Have we lost some hope for the future because of the events in the world?

Resources from this weeks episode:
- The Great Sex Rescue by Shelia Ray Gregorie
- Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast
-Voxology Podcast
- Spiritual Rhythms by Mark Buchanan
Have a question you'd like to submit? Head to https://livingspringsairdrie.com/podcast