Inverted Orthodoxy 367 - AER on laws and how to remain in Christ

Jan 2, 2025

Blake Doug and Kyle are back this week with three more questions. See them below or follow the links at the bottom of our description for more info or to ask your own question.

1. Follow up to the question re: murder which I asked. Thanks for taking the time to respond to it, despite not having context for it. The context for this question was a comparable to a previous episode's question on whether homosexuality was sin. One could go on to ask - is adultery sin? Is murder sin? Is pre-marital sex sin? All of these activities, under the law of Moses, were considered a breaking of God's moral law for the new nation of Israel. They were considered out-of-bounds, ungodly, and unhealthy for God's newly delivered people, as a Nation under Jehovah who were to be markedly different from the Nations around them. To discourage these activities, law was given with consequences, punishment, and in some cases, retribution and death. Fast forwarding to the NT, the church is made up of Jew and Gentile in one body, one new Israel (with Gentiles grafted in), granted the empowering presence of the Spirit that enables us to live in grace that supersedes the ability of the law. If the law pointed a way out of these activities and ways of life, and grace is greater, plus the Spirit's presence empowers us, how much more are we then to be a called out people, not marked by these activities that the law denounced? Further, given the NT's teachings on these activities, how can any of these activities be considered godly or be normalized in the church today? 

2. What exactly does it mean in a practical way in everyday life to remain in Jesus?

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